Artist Bio

My name is Ashley Cox, the owner and photographer for Nine 23.  I started photography as a hobby in high school and turned it into a career in 2009.   Before starting my business I searched for a name, and thought "Ashley photography" just didn't sound right, and certainly "Cox photography" was no better! haha  My husband suggested Nine 23 because those numbers are at the heart of our family. He proposed on friday September 23 2005, and due to some complications we were forced into moving our wedding to September 23rd 2006. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise, and like a lot of couples we wanted a year to ourselves before we started a family. Well, sure enough nine months from September 23rd 2007 our first daughter was born.... at 9:23am.    We are currently pregnant with our second child, and sadly he or she (we are keeping the gender a surprise for delivery) was not concieved in September, but we are keeping our fingers crossed they will be born at 9:23 am or pm, so they will not feel left out. If not, we are still over the moon excited for his or her arrival in November.