Monday, September 19, 2011

Scouting locations down south..

I saw a really cool truck off the interstate on the way to do cory's senior pictures (those are up next), so on the way back, I used the ever helpful internal GPS of my husband to find it. It turned out to be an great little place, with some more fields just up the road.
A pregnant me, having my husband test a shot idea and the lighting. hehe

Then, on the other side of the interstate we found this little place. It's just a corn field with a patch of grass and a cool tree in front of it.

See the cool tree?? I like it.


  1. I've always wanted to know how photographers found remote spots to shoot. Is it something that you just pass by and ask if you could use their land?

  2. This is down in franklin, IN. The first location is now being worked on so no luck shooting there anymore, but the second is just a random field in the middle of nowhere. ;) I generally find locations by accident. I drive by and think it'd be a cool place, then try to find the owner to see if they're cool with me using it. :)
